About Animals
「動物誌 About Animals」是推廣動物權(Animai Rights)的店,提供Vegan輕食、啤酒、二手復古相機、文創商品等等。
In addition to its purpose of highlighting veganism, the space also exists as a platform for the exchange of thought on Art, Literature, Aesthetics and intellectualism. Events planned consist of film and photo exhibitions, musical performances, art installations, and all manner of lectures presenting a holistic fusion between topics in ecology, sociology, environmentalism, social activism, cultural studies and pedagogy. We furnish the belief that issues of animal rights and social justice are deterministically intertwined. Helping those vulnerable to oppression, injustice, and harm being the unifying goal. As such, About Animals is ultimately about offering a space where the many faces of Good can meet and work to help the world together.